He’s given a candid interview in which he talks about the future of the Scottish game including how a European Super League might affect Rangers.

He also talks about the accusation that Rangers and Celtic ‘force through’ decisions affecting other clubs.

The interview itself has been done by the excellent Price of Football podcast and the post below previews the subjects covered.


by littlecomet111


  1. MiscallaneousShrew on

    Most of that I don’t care about, but expand the number of teams in the Premiership already. At least 16, but ideally 18. Can’t stand playing teams 4+ times a season.

  2. No_Technology3293 on

    The guys an incompetent buffoon.

    Although credit to him for giving himself a contract that renders him basically unsackable so long as he keeps doing such a shit job of bringing in money to the league

  3. I’d like to see an interview with Doncaster getting asked questions on metrics of the game and how it’s improving under his watch. His bit on the TV deal neglects simple things like real time social media clips during games, something other leagues do and get revenue from. Still comes across as a bit resistant to change and I can’t believe he’s been here 15 years and I bet he can’t either.

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