Thoughts on Dyche’s comments about fans leaving?

by Adamascus


  1. He’s not wrong though. If it’s not good enough there’s some who fuck off because they expect better.

  2. fanofjapan2215 on

    He’s not wrong though. Fans will show their feelings during a match that’s normal. Now, booing certain players or walk out of the stadium can be a debate whether it is right or not. I’d personally won’t do it but I’ve never been to Goodison so what do I know.

  3. VirginiaWillow on

    Fans gave their money and were let down in a massive way, it’s completely their right to leave or stay.

  4. BrandyWineBridge1402 on

    I pay for my seat, if I want to leave cos the team are playing shite, like yesterday, I can do what I want.

    I’m not wasting the rest of my day just for the sake of staying. I got off at 80 minutes yesterday and I managed to make the earlier train home. I made the right decision.

  5. Toffeeman_1878 on

    Maybe if some of the players he selected had actually turned up then the fans wouldn’t have had a reason to leave early? Just a thought.

  6. 3-0 and a red card. It was either stay and suffer or leave 5 minutes earlier to catch a quicker bus. I know which choice I made

  7. In 25 years of having a season ticket, I think I’ve only left before the final whistle once before yesterday – when Allardyce was in charge if I remember correctly.

    I left early yesterday not because of the result or poor performance, but because Holgate was brought on.

  8. immediately_please on

    “At this football club” annoyed me. What club’s supporters don’t leave early when served up shite? It’s not about “if you’re not winning”. There’s a minimum expectation of effort and performance. If that’s not met you’re entitled to leave early and beat the traffic; it’s not like there were mass protests.

  9. Frankly, maaaaaaybe do this towards the end of the season for a team that just stopped even trying.

    But leaving after the first game? Cmon now…

  10. SignificantRatio2407 on

    I always stay until the bitter end of every match I’ve ever had the privilege to attend. That’s my choice. I completely respect others deciding to leave early, especially with the complete tripe we had to witness yesterday.

    I mean we’re two down and bring on Mason Holgate to replace our best player in the game, no wonder there was an exodus.

  11. _james_the_cat on

    People looking to be annoyed at Dyche will find those comments annoying.

    I think it is ambiguous and could easily mean that the fans have high standards that the team didn’t meet.

    And on the other side, I still don’t think it is a big deal if he means it negatively. We lost 3-0, he’s as frustrated as anyone and it will all be forgotten with a win.

  12. He’s right. I’ve done it myself. I wasn’t able to go yesterday, but I’d have been gone as soon as that waster Holgate came on.

    If he’s complaining about it, and I genuinely don’t think he is, if the football was watchable and we looked like scoring, people may have stayed.

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