[Di Marzio] Napoli today have asked for a loan with obligation to buy Lukaku from Chelsea. €25m + €5m. If Chelsea accept, it would allow Napoli to sign Lukaku without having to sell Osimhen

by Lazy-Meat


  1. That’s not even £30mill so doubt they’ll accept that offer. The board needs to make it clear £30mill (€35mill) otherwise gtfo.

  2. Why on earth would we ever agree to that lol

    Just sweat it out and sell him on the idea of Saudi when he realizes he has no other options left.

  3. Isnt this the same offer from like two weeks ago?

    Honestly at this point if they cant pay the 30-35 mil just get duolingo for lakaka and have em learn arabic.

  4. Headlesshorsman02 on

    I genuinely hate Italian teams we quite literally can’t loan him out because we have limited international loan spots left

  5. KickBallsLikeDrogba on

    Be easier at this point surely for one of Clearlake’s expert medical professionals they brought in to sort out Lukaku’s head and get him back in the team

  6. Since we have all the leverage let’s just tell them to match 35m or fuck off! Don’t want any more low balling from them, it’s so frustrating.

  7. phoenixform369 on

    Ya know at some point Lukaku and Oshimen have to realize that they risk a season without football. What then for their value and wage demands.

  8. Goldmemberberry on

    Signed a £100m 5 year contract which has ~40m of amortized value left. Wouldn’t accepting this for one years time mean we wouldn’t take a loss? Still get his wages off the books, and I don’t see broke ass Napoli paying 40m. So I think we should take it and be done with it.

  9. Ok-Constant-6056 on

    We all knew this was going to happen. Praying another club bids for him so we can accept just to spite them.

  10. Serious_Ad9128 on

    Where is lukaku now is he training at Chelsea I presume just hadn’t heard it mentioned at any stage

  11. SacredAnarchist on

    Let Lukaku just rot in reserve then. Last year he rejected Inter because they were not showing enough interest in signing him. What is he going to do about Napoli now? He should just go to Aston Villa already.

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