We know he has been Unai’s target for ages. Surprised this one slipped through really thought we would gun for a deal. I guess we were waiting on Duran and Carlos money. Oh well

by headcarsbendin


  1. Good. Never got on board with the idea, so I’m glad the saga’s over and we can hopefully move ahead with what we have in attack now. One more addition in defence is all that’s needed and even that I wouldn’t be too cut up about having to wait on.

  2. Any player who’s picking to go to Chelsea over any other club in the world right now needs avoiding. What a gift for us that Felix showed his intentions before coming. Enjoy your early retirement Joao!

  3. TonyWalnuts17 on

    I would 100% prefer having Duran as our other striker and play Rogers/Ramsey/McGinn as our No. 10. I don’t think we’ve achieved the consistency of European qualification yet to be taking on players with astronomical wages yet.

  4. We did gun for a deal, he chose Chelsea over us (is what I’ve read). He seems to be a guy that values brand and reputation (and likely wages) over performance and I can respect that, but I don’t want them in our squad tbh. Best of luck to him

  5. Maleficent_Peach_46 on

    How many attackers do Chelsea need?

    I don’t think he was ever a major target for us and wages would likely be an issue.

    Then again we didn’t have a headless chicken to send the other way so maybe we were waiting for player sales, probably not though.

  6. They’ve finally managed to replace Sterling with another ‘top-earning, doesn’t fit in our system, why did we ever sign him’ player!.. and did so before Sterling even left!

  7. I don’t see how it makes sense for club or player, unless this is an agent forced deal (likely the case given its Mendes). Maybe I’m wrong but this seems likely to be another bad move in a career of bad moves. Ah well, onwards to another target as I think we could do with a nice technical player in the middle somewhere.

  8. Agreeable_Falcon1044 on

    If we are selling players to meet the wages rules, I would have been disappointed if we had signed him for silly wages. Maybe there’s a great player there, but felt like coutinho 2.0

  9. Literarytropes on

    For what’s it worth. We never submitted a bid. Yes, there was interest. But don’t let the clickbait suggest there was any serious interest.

    Remember Monchi’s interview – we shortlist at least 10 names per position.

  10. Turn-Loose-The-Swans on

    Was he any good for them when he was loaned to them!? Chelsea are such an odd club.

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