I don't think the fans coached the team to have the 4th best defence in the league and be the 2nd best on set pieces. And as for "dragging the team over the line", we got twice as many points as Burnley and 3 times as many as Sheffield United.

by SukhdevR34


  1. graveyeverton93 on

    Of course the fans can’t get onto the pitch and play for the lads, but even Lampard himself has said since on podcasts etc that that insane support the fans gave the team and all the amazing things they did, greeting them from the hotels for the away games, the coach greetings before the games, the tens of thousands of fans getting around Goodison early etc, etc gave the team a boost and helped us get over the line to safety.

  2. This has been one of the worst reactionary weeks I’ve seen and it’s gameweek 1. Bobbles Patreon even had to have a “everyone calm down, Jesus Christ” unscheduled episode

  3. I don’t live in Liverpool and don’t go to the matches so it’s maybe not really my place to say, but I’m going to anyway. I think obviously a good atmosphere in the ground can help buoy the players, but the thing that bugs me about the narrative of supporters dragging the club across the finish line is that it really only goes one way. When the team plays well, it’s because the fans dragged them across the line. When the team is shit, it’s because the manager is an idiot and the players don’t care. As a result, it just comes off like supporters wanting to pat themselves on the back for being the real heroes, and I find it annoying. 

  4. Affectionate-Disk382 on

    We would’ve been down twice if we didn’t have absolutely excellent support tbh. Last seen he organised the team well and got us performing to a mid table level by being absolutely rock solid at the back.

    The hard running football he plays only works if everyone including the fans buy into it. Goodison when it turns absolutely zaps the confidence out of players. I’ve seen it happen to far better players than any of the ones in this squad tbf. One of the worst was Saha, he got to a stage where he couldn’t trap a ball despite being a fantastic player.

    I do agree though there has been a over reaction. Game was competitive till we shot ourselves in the foot giving the ball away in our third and then Young being an idiot.

    He will continue to get stick though because the crowd absolutely doesn’t like Ashley Young or Michael Keane. If he picks them it just turns the place negative before a ball has been kicked. The squad is the squad though, his hands are a bit tied unless he fancies playing a different formation or just launching new lads in the deep end. He’s shown he doesn’t think that’s the right thing to do, I don’t think he’ll change because it pisses off the everton das.

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