Oh dear….

by Just-mapleman-50


  1. RoundClassroom7521 on

    The manager is upset after outplaying their opponent and dropping points? Holy shit the season is over

  2. thebrazenkaizen on

    Love this honestly. Maybe im too deep in the ange rabbit hole but this is very good news, we should’ve done much better

  3. PointBlankCoffee on

    Fair. Embarrassing second half. They should feel it. No sides are bad in the prem, but we wasted so much possession and dominance against a promoted side. No excuses and we better look pristine vs Everton this weekend

  4. Why is this being treated as anything other than a 12 year old pretending to have info?

    You even included the typo in the tweet. This is very clearly bullshit…

    I mean literally anyone could have told you that Spurs weren’t happy to not win but this is absolutely nothing.

    OP you are an embarassment.

  5. shad0wqueenxx on

    Oh boy. Not sure whether this will end up being the jolt they all needed, or destabilise the dressing room. They’re professionals and it’s not the first time most of them have had a bollocking from a manager but. It’ll be interesting to see if their response next game is to play with more flair and attacking intent, or to be even more conservative in how they play out of fear of more dropped points.

    This could be good. But knowing our history with angry managers, I’m wary.

  6. A part of me is truly worried that for all the good Ange has done, there’s too much more that needs doing, and I’m not sure he’ll pull it off.

  7. Should he have been happy?

    This team has always had a reputation of being a bit casual. Not upset by someone showing a bit of care. The nice thing is it’s balanced with humanity unlike the maniacal flailings of Conte.

  8. It’s the most infuriating because we know what they’re all capable of doing on a football pitch. They’re not bums. We have some truly special players, and none of them managed to make something happen over a long period of relative dominance. 

  9. I mean its just a rumour. I wouldn’t take it too seriously… we played well, just lacked the finishing.

    Romero just came back from a long period away from England. Solanke also never really played with any of our players before. I don’t think Ange has much to say apart from telling the players to keep their heads, keep calm, and confidently take our chances. We’re a strong team but always lacking that confident aura, that’s why teams don’t really fear us.

  10. Egg_Tart_Eater on

    My dad works at Tottenham and he said Ange wasn’t happy about losing the match against Leicester. Do with that what you will.

  11. Why are there so many comments here just treating this as fact? This has zero citations for sources and it’s clearly not from a journalist. This tweet reads like fan-fiction from an angry supporter.

  12. Know how it’s clearly bollocks? Because 20min long rollickings are given by shit communicators who think screaming is the only way to get through. I’ve plenty of criticisms of Ange, but his communication style isn’t one of them.

  13. Not a good start for the season tho. We need lil something 🍀🍀🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🧧

  14. krazyellinas23 on

    First game of the season and same old Spurs. I’m Greek so I am especially biased and a huge fan of the manager but whatever he said to them, I hope the message go through

  15. Obviously source is sketchy at best, but if it’s true, this is exactly the type of response we want. OP doesn’t seem to understand the reality of professional sports at the highest level…

    This is not some summer camp where they sit around roasting marshmallows and singing kumbaya. It’s cutthroat and they just showed the same negative symptoms of last season which is worse than the results. They should react like this and we should expect nothing less.

  16. Oh dear? More like ‘thank fuck’ they need a swift kick in the ass. Tired of this shit mentality.

  17. This is obviously one of those weirdo troll accounts and it’s fake. But yeah, everyone was distraught, definitely us the fans. We go again this weekend.

  18. What a complete load of bollocks. Written like a kid that gets all their info from aggregator sites also.

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