Premier League | Every team’s average positions on match day 1

by MurdockLLP


  1. On ours it looks like Lemina is back to help Toti a lot. Was that planned? Just What needed to happen during game play? Or is that showing weakness in Toti against that Arsenal winger.
    (Btw I love Toti but he definitely had a weak performance last match)

  2. As I guessed at in preseason and as I observed in the match thread, Lemina sitting back between the CBs allows us to run 2 CBs and have a similar feel to 3atb without sacrificing a spot in the XI for a more forward player.

    A couple things are not settled though:
    * is this permanent or just until Toti and Mosquera find their feet comfortably as the back 2?
    * will adding a more advanced CM, like JRB was last week, make up for the progressive passing we’d otherwise miss by Lemina not playing as much as a B2B as he might otherwise do?
    * third bulletpoint

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