DaveSaves are back!

by Drag2oon


  1. riverswimmer11 on

    I miss Dave. He gave us so many great saves, and was a regular for so long, and was the longest carry over from the Fergie era I think. I still think he was one of the finest out-and-out shot stoppers in the business. I for one consider him a Man U legend (not sure if this is a controversial opinion).

    I once got banned from r/soccer because they assumed I was trolling when someone posted a clip of David Semans greatest save and I commented that you could find multiple better saves in a De Gea’s highlight real for any season he played. I was being serious.

  2. RoachIsCrying on

    for the people who don’t understand a lick of Italian

    Commentator was praising De Gea for his achievements with Atletico and United

  3. He made two saves and conceded 3 goals. Much wow. I know one was a pen. If onana conceded that second you’d call for his head and once again from a corner rooted to his line. Before people start inventing fiction about him.

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