Guardian article about our owners possibly losing interest in the project – worrying if true.
Short version- since the spending rules were tightened up, having untold wealth is no use to us if we don't have the commercial revenues to allow us to spend big and move up the ranks quickly. Saudis may shift their focus elsewhere.

by WombleSlayer


  1. Not read it yet but basically is there any concrete info about this, or is it just an opinion piece?

  2. BlackCaesarNT on

    Who said we were a priority for PIF?

    We are an asset yeah, but just one of many.

    Also, seems a bit shortsighted to think this now when we’re on the cusp of getting a new stadium announced. Are there any examples of teams who spent like crazy and built a new stadium who aren’t shit shows? Real Madrid got a new bernabeu and spent fuck all for years. Stadiums cost a fuck tonne of money and that means you can’t afford to waste funds on shit players who may not even be around to play in the new stadium.

    I reckon they start to pull the trigger on our priority a bit more in the couple of years before their world cup in 2034. By that point our revenue will have grown massively and will allow us to spend a lot more than now.and they’ll leverage all their assets, SPL, Newcastle and whatever else to hype up the world cup.

  3. why are you not watching the game? are you not a Newcastle fan?

    This could be lies, but I’d be fine with them not having us as priority or even selling the club. The only shame that there are no adequate buyers anyway.

  4. Remember the guardian are a bunch of woke leftys who hate everything about Saudi Arabia. I know this to be true as I’m a woke lefty myself.

  5. Has to be bollocks. No other English team available to buy that is in a better position than we are to become the “next global Club”. Sure they could buy another European Club, but FFP still applies there.

    So, if not Newcastle, who? There is no one.

  6. The Saudis spent more money wooing Jon Rahm alone to join their tinpot golf tour than what they spent buying NUFC. We’re pretty much the very last concern in the the Saudi sporting strategy.

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