Can't blame Dom one bit for wanting out when this is what he gets for dispossessing spurs in the press. One simple backpass as soon as Dwight receives this ball and a midfielder could've had Dom in through on goal with a low throughball (or at least an attempt).

Pathetic stuff. Grow up and use your right leg.

by QTsexkitten


  1. He’s a problem in our attack. Cool he takes a good corner but can’t do anything decent in open play. Bench him and start Harrison on the left. At least he isn’t afraid to take his man on and use both feet.

  2. Wasn’t even the only time he did that yesterday, deserves to be dropped for a couple games

  3. I started laughing like a maniac when he started that run. Honestly thought he was gonna sprint into our box and pass it to Pickford

  4. ZestycloseChemist2 on

    McNeil and Doucoure should be dropped for Ndiaye and Lindstrom. They both actually looked a threat when they came on.

  5. SuperConDrugs on

    At this point I can’t even blame McNeil. He’s been doing this for years. Playing him as our creative outlet is just as daft as his inability to use his right foot.

  6. I get that was poor, but the structure of the team doesn’t help, but also the players moving to enable the pass would have helped.

    Passing takes two players, one receiver to move into space the player in possession to recognise the space has been filled by a team mate.

  7. I know everyone is super down on him at the moment but I would like to see us line up with him central and N’Diaye and Lindstrom on the wings.

    He had two big problems. 1. No right foot and 2. No pace. So when he’s on the left he gets the ball and even if he can turn towards the opponents goal he can’t cut in because of no right foot and he can’t go down the line because he has no pace.

    Start him central and when he turns towards goal he can ping a pass somewhere out left to N’Diaye, he is one of the few players in our squad who actually does have a good range of passing he just can’t really use it out on the left.

    Doesn’t beg the question how he’s played left mid his whole career though.

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