Everton players confronted boarding train (via @BAKETHEBEST on X)

by jnru


  1. Was just about to post this same video, Jesus Christ. Is this a common thing when we lose to wait for them at the station?

  2. Chuck_Morris_SE on

    Embarrassing but I have to believe and obviously hope that the players know we aren’t all like this. I am truly volatile like an hour after the match but christ nothing like this, this makes me cringe inside.

  3. Technical_Angle4515 on

    Someone post that man’s face and ban him from Goodison. That is not how we support our team.

    I’m so tired of this. They are playing as hard as they can, in a system they can’t choose, against much better caliber players. What do you expect?

  4. autistichomosapien95 on

    Hurling abuse at the players never works, why are some match going fans such brainless idiots

  5. I can kinda understand his anger, but this is absolutely pathetic for a man of his age, it’s 2 games into the season for Christ sake  

  6. Loyalsupporter on

    This is exactly why people need to shut the f*** up and calm down honestly

    You’re supposed to support your team not act like this f****** a******

  7. MyCousinVinnyy on

    Who the fuck is going to want to play for us if that’s what they’re up against? I hope the players have thick skin and understand they’re a minority of ~~fans~~ stupid cunts. But realistically, I’d expect a fair few of them to be trying to find a way out of the club before the window shuts.

  8. Some_Friendship2946 on

    Wish we were slightly kinder fans. I sometimes wonder if this is why creative players don’t survive here, bc make a few mistakes and the fans turn on you rly quick.

    Anyone else remember that time Holgate got booed off and was in tears on the bench? Just felt rly bad for the guy.

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