Hagi turns down Rapid Bucharest move

by James7176


  1. StevenVictor69 on

    Just get him in the team man penny pinching with fuck all midfield is just asking for someone to go off injured and him to be played anyway

  2. We don’t know the terms he was offered and how he sees that club as a Romanian so I won’t judge too much.

    Hard not to feel like it would have been a great move for him.

    Star man, playing every week and back home, perfect place to develop?

  3. If he wants to stay so badly, he needs to meet the club halfway on his contract.

    It’s obvious we aren’t playing him again with the current clause.

  4. It turns out taking a 50% (or probably worse) paycut isn’t very attractive

    Don’t blame him at all

    It’s the clubs fault for creating this awful wage structure, if we can’t sell him get him in the fucking team. We either spend an extra £6k per week or spend whatever he is on before that clause for him to do nothing for fuck sake.

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