I’m actually scared about Juve

by Mr_Wah


  1. Hm I dont know if they’ll necessarily be a threat, they could be but they started strong last season too and I wouldn’t say their squad is any better this season

  2. That’s better if that’s true. This way, Inzaghi and his team would take the league more seriously than last season, which hopefully translates to a better performance in Europe.

  3. Scared might be a strong word, but you’re not alone my friend. We always knew that they were going to be back. Now the time as come, especially since they got rid of their sabotaging coach, Allegri.
    If they can wrap up a good mercato, then they’ll be a force to reckon with this season and those to come.

  4. we need to see the first 5 games to judge. even with a strong squad i feel like the number of games will get to them.

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