Club Statement

by tomdon88


  1. The images of the toilets were disgraceful. Honestly looked like something from the 70s, urinals overflowing with piss.

  2. I remember the old Wembley, was horrendous.

    I wonder how much the space grab for the GA+ facilities have limited the ability to resolve this. It pretty embarrassing to not have basic facilities that are up to scratch.

  3. Love the club, but I’ll believe it when I see it.

    Had enough issues getting into the stadium as it was last season, and now we have fewer regular seats and a new ticket system obviously causing issues.

    It’s a shame but it’s clearly not a priority for them atm, the match day experience outside of the football can be quite poor.

  4. Ticket issues happen. Digital issues happen. I can accept that.

    Forcing fans to stand in piss is not. It’s also so god damn easily fixed it’s shameful to let it happen.

  5. NecessaryWater5568 on

    Over the past 12 months the club has gone in a direction I don’t like. There were massive problems for the first home game last season too.

  6. hammer_of_grabthar on

    Am I right in thinking that the toilets have regularly been like that for over a year?

    I went to two matches at the start of last season and it was the same in the lower Holte, so when I saw it again on Saturday I assumed that was just normal for the Holte End these days, has it been like this for all that time, or did they fix it and then it happened again?

  7. Two Adidas logos on a statement apologising for people standing knee deep in piss is very funny.

    At least it’s ~3 weeks until the next home game so they have some time to actually do something about it

  8. Cynical me thinks they’re just trying to get ‘ahead of the story’

    I’m sure the HSE would be interested in the issues around toilets, queuing, inadequate steward numbers and locked fire exits.

    Technology failure (ticketing) is unfortunate but excusable, especially if it’s been pushed by the EPL.

    Everything else is fundamental basics, and big failures.

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