Quickfire questions with Misha

by MoiNoni


  1. Reece and trev, Chelsea is setting this man up to fail

    I really want him to improve he is too likeable

  2. BellySmutthole on

    Very innocent and likable guy. Too bad all of the professional coaches we have in the Chelsea sub slag him off at any given chance

  3. C0mm0nVillain on

    I still can’t believe his Liverpool cameo in his first game and how it’s been downhill from there.

  4. BabyScreamBear on

    Feel for this boy – the pressure he is under, the situation back at home… I’m praying he gets a loan so he can reset and work on his confidence maybe as a bigger fish in a small pond. Fulham would be perfect and the least disruptive.

  5. I love Misha and I want him to have the same confidence that Noni has. I worry we wouldn’t be able to guide him slowly through his development when everyone else is performing. Maybe he can be a starter for conference league but I don’t know how much time we can give him there if he doesn’t perform when we have Felix, Neto and possibly Sancho alll waiting to take their chance. I really wish we could loan him to Strasbourg

  6. average_joetron on

    Guys should go back in fight for Ukraine. Leave Chelsea alone, he’s not a footballer

  7. I really want mudryk to succeed but he’s simply not on the same wavelength as his teammates. After almost 2 years it’s tough to watch especially when Neto is already on it

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