[Paul Brown, Josimar] Textor has held talks with other investors re joining him in a bid for Everton. However, some sources close to the process do not regard him as a serious bidder, and are saying they expect Friedkin to return to the table. Other parties remain interested.

by Giraffe_Baker


  1. YourFormerBestfriend on

    Insert: fresh prince of bel air “how come he don’t want me man” scene

  2. I don’t understand, as an ignorant American, why it’s so hard to find a buyer for such a storied organization, in one of the biggest sports leagues in the world. NHL teams are selling for $1b, and that’s the 5/6 biggest sport in the US.

  3. FranksBaldPatch on

    All the more important we don’t get suckered in to a rug pull on Mangala or Nuamah

  4. I think textor is better than Moshiri, but he’s a little cavalier for me.

    Friedkin is the kind of no-nonsense, clinically boring, tight lipped businessman that I think we really need coming out of the moshiri era.

  5. PlantainNo2307 on

    I will never get tired of hating moshiri and kenwright for what they’ve done to our club. I’m not glad bills dead or anything like that I’ve got more respect, but he opened the door for that clueless clown moshiri to come in simply fuck us up big time! Also the people n projects he’s turned down just to keep his cosy chairman’s seat is infuriating. We need this ownership problem sorted ASAP n I just hope we’re not getting another incompetent twat!

  6. Friedkin swooping back in would be better than virtually any signing we could make this window

  7. I thought Josimar was exclusively concerned about 777 Partners, why are they warning us about Textor now?

  8. I cannot allow myself to be hurt again. We will get the drunken stepfather and we will be happy about it.

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