Robbo has been voted as our funniest player. Who is our most annoying player?

by RaspberryLow2187


  1. Balotelli. Bought as Suarez’s replacement but has 1% of his fight and effort which is generous itself.

  2. Sakho in terms of squandered potential

    Fabinho in terms of drop of quality in a single season (he regained some of his class later but holy shit that season was rough)

    Sterling for the way he left and Owen… yeah..

  3. Balotelli 100%

    The guy wasn’t interested in resurrecting his career, just wanted an easy pay check.

  4. Alberto Moreno, loved the player, he was funny, was good for moral and people liked him, going forward he was fine… but he was annoying as soon as he had to do something defensive.

  5. For some reason people are commenting Owen just because of things he done after he moved from Liverpool.

    Owen literally won a ballon d’Or at the club and he is more annoying than someone like balotelli?

    Owen did have moments where he brought joy to Liverpool fans and in some cases basically single handily won us trophies. Balotelli would get put on in the 60th minute and just wonder about doing fuck all.

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