Premier League could be made to pay millions for Man City 115 charges case

by rarely-redditing


  1. GoonerTilliDie24 on

    Lawyer fees unfortunately add up. How about we get Abu Dhabi United Group to cover the whole damn thing if they are proven guilty with the money the premier league paying going back to the clubs that would suffer due to this. There should be consequences for breaking the rules and if these international ownership groups want to keep making that premier league revenue then they need to adhere to the damn rules in place.

  2. “Nothing should be ruled out in this quite extraordinary case” lol prepare to watch city go free and get money from other clubs AND the PL

  3. Lets save the money and just send City to join Madrid and Barca in their 3 team only super league, problem solved.

    How the League hasn’t just told them to STFU or get the fuck out is mind blowing. How are these people in charge of anything if they are this timid at enforcing the rules.

  4. I feel like the PL suits have chewed more they can swallow in this case and both parties are looking a way out of it without losing face

    There was no way the PL could have proven those charges without City’s willingness, and City as the accused party aren’t obliged to incriminate themselves obviously.

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