20 years ago we were starting the Abra’s project around Lamps and Terry and was the beginning of a tittle winning season with the likes of Drogba, Cech, Robben, Carvalho, Tiago. All of them new singings and a long therm team in the makings. This generation came to win a lot tittles in the years to come.

10 years ago we did the same. Starting a new project around young or new players to overthrow the old guard and also with a PL title: Cesc, Diego, Hazard, Oscar, Azpi, Courtoisssss🐍, etc. And also this time the generation ended up winning another league title and other trophies.

This time around were building the squad again and I’m sure we’re not going to add another league title to continue the 2005-2015-2025 streak.

As said this time we’re also forming a new team and new project for the future. But unlike the other times we’re not so confident about winning right now.

So the question is: are this generation (Palmer, Enzo, Jackson, Moises, Levi, James) ready to win anything anytime soon!? And do you guys think we’re going to end up a Man United or are we getting back to serial winning days?

by No-Camp-2181


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