Don't worry I already know not to trust Google reviews since it's basically done by fans but there's no way they could have played this bad on a 0-0 draw. 3.9 from Yilmaz after no goals and a red is wild making me think this is due to the enormous turkiye fanbase as we know they are very passionate and patriotic

In any case congratulations for Davies and Johnson to still be part of the Wales squad I hope to see them play for their nation more

by AgitatedChildhood240


  1. Final score of 0-0, yet not a single welsh player is above 2 stars and every turkey player visible is above 4? Yeah I would say this is insignificant and biased

  2. TrekkingTrailblazer on

    What app is this even though lol get a new one. FotMob has Davies 7.4 and Johnson 7.0. Highest rated Turk was Müldür 7.1

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