Happy 30th Birthday to current Manchester United Captain and Portuguese International Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes.

by JaysonDeflatum


  1. Half of 19/20





    And now 24/25

    Entering his 6th season as a United player with 79 goals and 67 assists (146 G/A) in 237 matches (only 3 matches missed due to injury/illness), time sure does fly when you’re having fun.

  2. Arguably our best player since Rooney. Shame that we’re squandering the prime of his career with Europa-level mediocrity.

  3. garynevilleisared on

    Where did the years go. Happy he’s won trophies, more than many post SAF could say about their time here. Need to get this guy a PL trophy, deserves a place amongst the legends of this club but needs some proper silverware.

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