Helenio Herrera wins Best Coach ever for Inter. Day 13 – Who was the biggest One Season Wonder? Most upvoted comment wins.

by Dragon5445


  1. Elric_the_seafarer on

    No much to debate here. If we talk about ‘one season wonder’ we must take the year of the triplete.

    And in that year there was one distinguished player who was under some sort of blessing of the type ‘one touch, one goal’: **Diego Milito**. A literal sniper, but only for that season, he never reached those heights before or afterwards.

  2. Rik_Fachedozzi on

    Hakimi. I still want him to come back and he loved Inter, let’s hope he’ll get tired of PSG…

  3. Andrea Ranocchia was good for like one season (i think he was in the team of the year) then became average.

  4. Stefano Sensi – when he started with Conte he was a menace and after some time I even stopped tracking where and if he plays

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