Arda’s Highlights From Today’s Match Against Iceland

by Nyghl


  1. he plays lot like ozil. today he played central for a big part of the game. Sometimes it was still messy but generally him being on the pitch means something special can happen anytime. big player!

    he needs to work on his decision making though. sometimes he forces himself to do something special where he can keep it simple. and sometimes he slows the game a bit too much.

    those are my 2 cents as a turkish madrista

  2. He’s really class, just needs to work on a few stuff, he’ll be an incredible CAM in a few years if he gains some pace and durability. His main weakness in Madrid was usually killing the ball in positions where he could’ve moved forward or made a progressive pass. He is by no means a bad dribbler, it’s just that he didn’t seem to attempt many dribbles in Madrid. He’s pretty comfortable with the ball at his feet from what I saw in the last couple years.

    He has most of the qualities, but he’s afraid to make a mistake imo. Today he knew when and when not to take risks. He’s also good in the midfield with his one touch passing accuracy, he always finds someone to pass to.

    Hopefully he finds some meaningful minutes going forwards and improve and also prove himself even further 🙏

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