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by gunnersmoderator


  1. If Arteta’s current deal was ending in 2025, then a new 3 year extension should expire in 2028 and not 2027 as reported by Ornstein. Or is it possible they ripped up the exisiting contract for the new one?

  2. I don’t understand the hand-wringing over the best player to replace Odegaard. He is a quality player, and for good and for bad, the most unique player we have. You don’t try to fit square pegs into round holes by trying to find who can replicate what he does. No, you simply tweak your attacking system to make the best use of the other excellent forwards we have.

    The greater concern is still the Rice replacement, the player who will defend in the pivot next to Partey. Here we have options too but they all come with notable flaws unlike our attacking choices.

  3. turkeybaconbitcoin on

    Bissouma picked up a “heavy knock”, hope he’s well soon and takes a much needed rest this weekend.

  4. Prestigious_World_76 on

    If Bobby really thinks Temu Saint Maximin is better than Starboy then he is a special kind of a regard.

  5. Let’s shit house a win on Sunday then set up the nastiest low block against City and get the draw.

    Then wait for reinforcements to come back. I still think we win the league this year.

  6. I’m convinced Pires doesn’t watch the games. He’s just basing it on who the player plays for and assume they are better.

  7. I hated when Wrighty got shit for simply having an opinion for a solution for 1 or 2 matches in the summer with Saka.

    Pires deserves any and all piling on he gets from the fans for saying that shit.

  8. I’ve been saying Bobby ain’t the brightest crayon in the box but honestly the amount of engagement he’s got with this one line is quite fucking exceptional and I’m sure his agent will be using it the next time he’s in negotiations for a job.

  9. There’s too much idol worship in football for my liking. Pires is talking nonsense and him being one of our greatest ever wingers doesn’t change that. At the same time, people acting like Saka is perfect and can’t be criticized are just perpetuating the culture of idol worship that leads to this sort of drama. Like, in the future if a retired Saka speaks harshly on one of our then-current players are we gonna have half the fanbase turning on Saka and the other half dying on a hill for him? It’s stupid.

  10. Patiently waiting for news of the extension to breach with our ‘colleagues’ at rartetaout for some hilarious early morning coffee break reading 🍿 🚬

  11. People talk about Fergie’s disciples being thick and not cut out for management.

    Wenger’s aren’t exactly much better 💀

  12. Do people believe this Pires interview is actually real? Seemed very fake. Saka’s consistency is his best quality and he always shows up in big games.

    So I looked into it. The worst looking website in Germany in the world which posts very irregular articles is the source. “Wettbasis” is their name and it’s basically just a gambling ad. Posted no pictures or videos of the interview.

    Their reporters:

    Karl-Heinz Fischer. Found nothing

    Dennis Kösters. 11 followers on twitters. Looks like a basement dweller with all due respect

    Phillip Stottan. Young austrian freelance journalist who up until that occupation switch in 2018 worked at Sports Direct.

    …the rest is more of same.

    Surely this is an obvious clickbait interview to increase their traffic, probably make their money off of the betting advertisements. How would this random group of no name German freelancers have gotten Pires to do an interview. The interview has pretty controversial stuff. How are other (granted, very unreliable) news sites picking up this interview.

    None of it makes sense, it’s very unconvincing, so why are people not doing what you should always do when you see questionable info on the Internet… check if it’s made up nonsense.

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