[Chris Jack] Dave King says he would be willing to return to Rangers as chairman. “I’ll come in, stabilise it, get the right people in place, get the club working properly, at least give it direction.”

by BubbleBlacKa


  1. Imo there’s a 99% chance this has been planned for a while and would certainly explain King constantly feeding Chris Jack info for the last couple months

  2. Left-Painter-9172 on

    I don’t mind King, he inherited a bit of a mess that the Parks created by appointing Caixinha and did a lot of good work to stabilise the club and make Rangers competitive.

    The Gerrard appointment wouldn’t have happened without him, plus the reintroduction of the academy and the changes to the training centre were all under his watch.

    Plus, he doesn’t like the Parks and I believe he will hold them to account much better. But for that reason, I see it as a non-starter.

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