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by AutoModerator

1 Comment

  1. Just thinking about Saturday’s game… if that was a mid-season game then I’d have actually been pretty happy. We gave Villa a good game. Created loads of chances. If DCL had been able to put his two extra good chances away we’d have won the game. If Villa hadn’t scored that worldy then we’d have won anyway.

    Also, unpopular thing to say, but just watching the highlights back. I feel like on another day, the chance where DCL hitting the bar would have been ruled a foul when he pushed the defender off the ball, as would have McNeil’s tackle for goal #1. And DCL’s one-on-one miss could possibly have been ruled offside by your average ruin-our-day VAR.

    We only need a single win to move clear of relegation – and if we keep creating like that and tighten up our defence, we’ll be good.

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