Source: S

by PradipJayakumar


  1. This is his first real season of senior football. He will undoubtedly make mistakes and frustrate sometimes, but I hope the fans understand that and give him some grace as he gains experience. After a couple seasons under his belt, he could be a really special player.

  2. i actually feel vindicated lmao I’ve been his biggest propagandist since way back when he scored that header against Milan, was flabbergasted whenever Antony played over him

  3. All needs to work on his getting more consistency in the quality of his touches and passes. He’s making all the right decisions, but sometimes his passes are poorly weighted, taking the player out of position. Been really impressed with him

  4. Without his comparable ranking vs the other players in the league all this tells us is that Amad has been the best forward on United – which the eye test would tell you.

  5. Certain-Possible-280 on

    I was not convinced by Amad in his first season but whoever decided the loan spell to Sunderland deserves credit. He is rocking this season!

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