Lineup for Tonight

by Will-from-PA


  1. Decent lineup, bit surprised we’re only playing 2 in midfield but I guess Lemina and Andre need a rest. Doyle should stay back enough to screen the back 4 so will be alright in that regard. Happy to finally see Rodrigo again – guessing it’s him on the right, Hwang left with Sarabia behind Guedes? Only big question is why King and not Bentley

  2. I’m sorry, but no. Absolutely no to Joao risking injury or another card here. If we’re playing POND at CB, we might as well be playing Cundle at CM and letting Joao be an option off the bench.

  3. Fabulous_Sale_2074 on

    We have negative chance of winning this with the lineup, why risk joao gomez?? 

    Doherty at LB in 2024 ffs, who thought having a single left back in the club would bite us in the ass? 

  4. João playing actually feels right here, he’s good! BUT ALSO he’s not played his best lately. I think 45 minutes and Cundle is probably the right move.

  5. Still a better lineup than what we were throwing on the pitch towards the end of last season. Excited to see what Lima can do against PL opposition.
    Not expecting much but if we can be competitive I’ll be happy.

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