Couldn’t have happened to a better bloke, so happy for my boy. Coyssssss

by ZekePeak


  1. Ancient-Ad-1415 on

    I really hate how spurs supporters are , small bad period and everyone goes super pessimistic. This guy doesn’t deserve the hate and the hole team also !

  2. For anyone who sends hate to this boy, you will only help in him playing worse. We need to take care of our players!

  3. You’d really think that someone who has scored or assisted as many late winners in such a short amount of time would be more of a cult hero rather than the social media whipping boy

  4. What a dramatic goal. Wish he gained some confidence from this and be happy. Please be supportive to ALL our players. It is on Ange who plays and who doesnt.

  5. Grumble_Scumble on

    I know it’s kind of weird, but I wish there was a way that we could show Bren that a lot of the fans are behind him and root for him and the people on his instagram are dum dums and can go fuck themselves. watching him turn away from the supporters after literally a second was heartbreaking.

  6. BadBehaviour613 on

    More embarrassed of our treatment of Johnson than the NLD loss (and I was bloody embarrassed of the NLD loss)

  7. I’m not ever gonna hate Johnson as much as some, but he can irritate me with wasteful possession. Still think he’ll be a fantastic player.

  8. Took his goal really well, big props to him and I hope his confidence improves.

    No one deserves abuse, especially over a sport, but the reason people criticize him so much is because of the potential that is there. It’s just the application that he’s struggling with, but it takes time naturally.

    Really hope he’s able to pick up some form because if he were consistently incisive we would have a very dangerous player on our hands.

  9. We’re winning this cup. We’re winning FA Cup. We’re winning Europe League Cup. We might take a swing at the Premier League. Bet the house, boys. We’re so back. Ange Ball.

  10. Happy he scored. Still doesn’t mean I don’t wish he was more consistent. Hopefully people can stop being assholes to him and he can build on this performance.

  11. Honestly Brennan is a very good player in the wrong system for him. Running into open space behind high lines he’s fantastic but breaking down low blocks he’s useless especially in Ange’s system that often recycles possession rather than hitting on the counter immediately. He’s be an absolute monster under Mourinho or Conte.

  12. I think he’s essentially an old fashioned striker being played as an inside forward and it’s fucking him up. I think ange is completely fucking his own system up and has been since day one. I think the idea that you can have two fast bois on the wings who you slide rule a pass to for them to score a one vs one is *absolutely fucking bonkers* and no one else in elite football is trying it. I think if you routinely have two players receiving the ball near the touchline then they have to be *good at that* and they certainly can’t be *really bad at it*.

    In short I think anges taken square pegs and spent *a year* smashing them into round holes and it’s doing a lot of harm to the players.

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