A loan move either in January or next summer could be an option for Mathys Tel if he doesn’t recommend himself for more minutes through performances in the coming months. This summer, both the club and the player consciously decided to stay in Munich after the contract extension until 2029

by pewpewlasersandshit


  1. Time_Birthday4659 on

    Yeah would be the best option for both sides and the new club should play him as a number 9!!!

  2. There is no real chance of him starting over Kane, so a loan move would benefit him a lot. Preferably in Winter to a club who plays internationally.

  3. Would be the best possible solution to gain match experience and then replace Müller in summer 2025 or 26 (in terms of squad spot, ofc no one can replace Müller).

  4. He should just get his minutes, Kane should be rested, we can’t make the same mistake we made last season, right? What happens if Kane gets injured?

    I don’t want to see Kane limp out in the CL semis again because he had to play every single game and Tel is talented enough to play the 9.

  5. I think he should play way more but where? For whom? He does nothing wrong but the timing is bad for him. On the other hand what happens if Kane ever gets injured?

  6. LittleRunaway868 on

    Yes and no

    For him surely better
    For us better when he is a bit stronger

    For us hard if kane is injured
    For him good to have highest quality training

    I prefer a system where he plays 20-25% instead of Kane, and 5-10% instead of winger

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