Bayern are extremely happy with Michael Olise and believe his signing was a bargain. Both the management of the club and the coaching staff see huge potential in the Frenchman as he can still develop a lot and quickly [FabrizioRomano]

by pewpewlasersandshit


  1. Hopefully he’s staying healthy and can keep it up. He doesn’t need to score but I do live what he’s bringing to the pitch. When Serge and Leroy are just playing as intense as him, then we’re pretty lucky.

    Still gotta fix the D though and play Palinha to his strengths.

  2. I feel like he showed nothing yet and is still good. His quality is undeniable and I wonder how he will perform when he settles in.

  3. This guy is going to be world class very soon. He’s insanely gifted and I like everything I see. He’s clearly hungry but patient enough to not try to force moves. His positioning is great already and he has Müller to guide him on top of that. I can’t wait to see him fully integrated and synched with this squad.

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