“Only the captains can speak to the ref”

by Cleon189


  1. I was like “the fuck is the keeper doing there?!”

    Same on the Rice red card to be fair, so consistency…?

  2. If you take the Arsenal score, you get 1
    Then take the city score you get 1
    Then take the time, add the 2 to the 4 and minus the 1 and the 0 and you get 5.

    115, coincidence?

  3. Could have easily posted the same when they crowded around hoping to get a card on Havertz in the opening minute.

  4. Remember this ref was one of the four that the city group payed £10,000 to ref 1 match in Saudi Arabia soo just saying, seems a bit fishy to me :/

  5. I’m glad I’ve got young children, because I’m used to listening to incessant moaning, whining, and blaming everyone else for anything they don’t like….

  6. Moment I saw walker patting Gabriel’s chest I had a good feeling he would have him on the ropes

  7. Benched Gabriel in fpl two weeks in a row!!

    I knew if the points were on the bench I would be happy regardless

  8. Seriously this bum rushing the referee is stupid. It happened in the Brighton game too. Where is the consistency. This Ref is so easily influenced and let’s these things go. Pathetic.

  9. They are not wearing the Arsenal shirt. Its all right lads! Oliver – the best ref in the game.

  10. Everyone has a whinge about us doing this back in 21/22 but literally every team does it. So we stop doing it, and everyone else still does it.

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