[Piers Morgan] Arsenal were the moral winners. Magnificent performance against 12-man City whose MoM was Michael Oliver.

by JaysonDeflatum


  1. Michael Oliver gave them advantage over 2 of their goals yet you’d think he’s done them over

  2. Both of arsenals goals another ref could’ve called off. Timber waited for the ball in play to go down, the ref said play on. Raya went to kick it out but it stayed in play and the ref blew the whistle even tho the ball was in play and it wasn’t a head injury.

  3. RemnantOfSpotOn on

    Its been ages since piers said something stupid….and by ages i mean since around 8 am this morning

  4. Dear_Engineering_456 on

    Don’t get how you can say Michael Oliver was biased when he called Kyle Walker over which according to city fans left them exposed and arsenal scored from it

  5. billybobthehomie on

    My thoughts are: yea city does get ref bias, but at the same time the second yellow was not fully undeserved, was it?

    Like the foul itself was dumb when you’re already on a yellow. The punt afterwards was also dumb. So a dumb-dumb series of choices. Neither in isolation imo warrants a yellow, both in isolation are borderline. But both in quick succession like that … idk I feel like it was somewhat justified.

    All that being said, no city player gets carded for that so I understand the frustration today. But if it were like an Arsenal-(insert any other team) match I don’t think arteta or arsenal supporters would have an argument tbh.

  6. Shouldn’t he be hacking peoples phones instead of involving himself in conversations he lacks intelligence to comprehend?

  7. I don’t mind Arsenal, or their general fanbase, but I would be so ashamed of having Piers Morgan as a fellow fan.

  8. I think we can definitely hold are heads up high as arsenal fans what a effort against this man city side

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