‘Internationally Man UTD is BIGGER than Bayern Munich!’ Noussair Mazraoui

by OkDonkey854


  1. pleasebeavailable2 on

    Its obviously a baity title but he‘s not stating anything wrong if you read the article.

    ManU still have a huge following internationally and if you take instagram followers as a measurement, they are „bigger“ or „more popular“.

    By no means are they anywhere close to being as good as Bayern, but thats also not what he‘s saying. All the best to him, hope he‘ll do well for them.

  2. >“I think if you compare both of them you cannot say one is bigger than the other,” Mazraoui said. “Maybe internationally speaking Man Utd is probably even bigger than Bayern Munich.

    I guess this is the ‘problem’ statement that this misleading title (not even the actual headline) is supposed to be exaggerating. I think any player that leaves has a forgivable space to big up their new club, I don’t see anything wrong here.

    At the end of the day, Mazraoui left Bayern because he wasn’t good enough to solidify a starting spot in this squad. I’m glad for him that he’s got that at United.

    Mazraoui also didn’t exactly endear himself to Bayern fans. I’m sure he feels happier leaving because of the political and social differences – as I’m sure do many of us from a fan perspective.

  3. In terms of fans and social media presence, sure, I can understand that statement. In terms of success, though, that’s hilarious. We’re exponentially better.

  4. Breaking news: Man talks up his new club.

    He also isn’t wrong. Manchester United is a massive brand globally and has been for a long time. They have more fans globally. They’ve been extremely well marketed over the years and their revenue from this is one of the reasons they can spend so much despite accomplishing so little since Ferguson retired.

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