Stevie lad doesn’t want his information used by Meta

by curveballed


  1. Stevie: “Meta, I do not consent”

    Also Stevie: [clicking ‘agree’ on privacy policies hundreds of times]

  2. test-account-444 on

    He won’t last long in tech support. He best stick to the football manager angle for future work…

  3. 15 years too late to be kicking up a fuss about unauthorised use of content posted on socials, but yeah. At least he’s standing up for something good I guess, even if nothing will happen.

    My fav player growing up but… yeah…

  4. I still love watching the highlight reels, but what a plonker, shilling for Saud without the slightest inkling of how to coach a football squad.

  5. Other than being a legend in Liverpool, he is cringe as fuck all around. Peak cringe when Carra and Neville join in.

  6. Rafa said the reason he was reluctant to play Stevie in the center for a while was because he didn’t understand the game enough for him to be trusted with the midfield early on. I believe Rafas words now.

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