EXCLUSIVE: Scottish Government will give ‘serious consideration’ to lifting football booze ban

by kj123ko


  1. Left-Painter-9172 on

    Treating folk like grown-ups and letting folk enjoy a pint will probably stop some folk getting tanked up before going to a game, but the realist in me thinks this is nothing more than lip-service unfortunately.

    SNP and Scottish Government have been no friends of Scottish football and I’ll be shocked if that changes soon.

  2. i want to be excited about this but any sniff of an increase in trouble and it will be blamed on the booze and then banned again. plus the pints at parkhead will probably be a fuckin tenner

  3. The same government who still hasn’t realised the alcohol minimum pricing hasn’t worked is going to do this? Aye right.

  4. Limit to 400mL and treat us like adults pls. Yes they will cost 8 quid but worth it to have at least have a pint for 16th low block of the season.

  5. Reminds me of being in a meeting at work and somebody suggested a colleague do a project on something. He replied “I’ll seriously consider that suggestion”. He did f all.

  6. We will see where this goes. 

    In theory this is a really good way to keep crowds apart after contentious games. The whole price stability thing makes it harder, but a last gasp winner against your rivals in your home stadium? 
    Discount beer at bar post match! 
    Reduce the outflow of people, and by extension the likelihood of tension with clashing supporters. And/or make it easier for the police to identify problem individuals, in smaller crowds.

    That’s the theory anyway. 

    In Germany in the noughties, there would even be free beer after big games and/or avoiding relegation/promotion etc. Yes, it’s a different culture, yes I know so much so that there’s a specific compound word for free beer (Freibier). 

  7. Lifting the booze ban.

    The calling card of the flailing government/opposition with a tanking approval rating

  8. The SG hasn’t exactly hid its disdain towards football fans, I doubt this is true

    Plus you get all the melts who have never been to a game before, who can’t name more than 2 teams in Scotland in tears about the thought of an adult having a low alcoholic beverage that will probably cost £9 before kickoff

    For a bit of context also, the ban came in after the 1980 Scottish Cup final

    A whopping 44 years ago, football and society has changed massively since then

    Back in those days you could take booze into the stadium with you,

    Bottle of whisky? No bother

    A crate of lager? On you go pal

    Nobody is suggesting we go back to those days

  9. The R/Scotland thread about this is genuinely hilarious. Someone claiming people are ‘ending up dead and in hospital’ because of those big bad football fans.

  10. ImpactAffectionate86 on

    Clubs need the cash. Sure they’ll be idiots who take it too far but highly likely these are the same people who would be steaming before they even come through the turnstiles anyway.

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