Darren Eales to step down as CEO after cancer diagnosis

by thatjc


  1. opinionated-dick on

    Well shit.

    First off, all the best for the man. This must be the absolute worse news for him and wish him and his family all the best for what will be an awful time.

    Secondly, fuck. More disarray. This is terrible. Think we have to buckle up and accept the path is going to be rocky for the foreseeable future

  2. Fucking hell, that’s a gut punch. How this impacts the football club feels immaterial right now, all my best to Eales and his family.

  3. Health before anything else. Wish him all the best.

    Think he’s done a great job for us and has laid some excellent foundations for his successor.

  4. The headline is shocking but the interview gives a crumb of comfort. Seems happy and healthy and treatable, which is great.

    And absolutely the right decision. Work, even NUFC, shouldn’t come before health and family.

  5. BTECGolfManagement on

    Hope he’s going to be ok, sounds awful – thoughts and prayers with him and his family for a speedy recovery

  6. Dreadful news, you never know what’s around the corner. Enjoy it whilst we still can is the best thing I can think of.

    Best wishes to Darren and his family, can’t imagine how hard a diagnosis like that is for everyone.

  7. Horrible news, hopefully he’s able to get the treatment he needs. Cancer is shit, blood cancer seems particularly shit. Brother in law’s brother’s partner (must be a better way to say that) has been fighting it and she was in a terrible way for a while, but thankfully seems to be pulling through it now.

    Sucks for us in the short term but with any luck we can get in someone quick-ish and the work Eales has already done can be continued with minimum upheaval.

  8. I got the all clear in January after cancer last year, I was lucky and had a single cycle of chemo and surgery, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Hope he pulls through and his family are good too.

  9. Reading this news from the chemo waiting room at Charing Cross. All the best to Eales. Luckily my partner’s is treatable too but fuck cancer x10000

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