Gordon signed until 2030

by dowker1


  1. Express-Kiwi3740 on

    I’ll be ecstatic about this if it goes through. I’m so sick of seeing the “Gordon to Liverpool” rumour mill, churning out it’s bullshit. Articles like that are always annoying, but this particular string of rumours has been relentless, and the Liverpool fan rags will not shut the fuck up about it. And if it isn’t them, it’s Caragher stoking the flames any chance he gets. It’s still going; almost a full month after the window closed. Every day they curl out a fresh turd, directly into my dry, pre coffee eyes. 

  2. stanley_ipkiss2112 on

    If this actually goes through, I hope all the fans who assumed he was distracted by Liverpool can take a step back and chill out. We all go through rough patches, and maybe that’s what he was dealing with. Let’s rally behind our guy, and before we know it, he’ll be back to smashing them in! The City match is calling! 🎯

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