Appreciation for a former City player who’s been killing it. Cole Palmer’s evolution has been insane. Much love to him. He’s living up to his potential. ❤️

by NavJongUnPlayandwon


  1. Absolutely insane player. First player in premier league history to score 4 goals before half time is an achievement in and of itself

  2. 4 goals in first half. Insane!

    And imo he could not do this in City because competition for those places to play are insane. Amazing move for him and Chelsea obviously and I am glad he is showcasing his skills and absolutely playing like a star.

  3. Despite Chelsea spend more than us in the Pep era, they’re never going to match the amount of trophies and records that we broke in 8 years time. I’ll always respect Palmer as a player, but Chelsea shouldn’t be getting a lot of credit considering how many players they bought until they find a gem like Palmer.

  4. Didn’t rate him at all here and yet he’s absolutely crushing it. Shows that perhaps whatever we do is not always the best approach with players who have immense natural talent but can’t fit into a small box of rules and requirements.

  5. Ouija_DR-KH0305 on

    I’m very annoyed to see him doing well in Chelsea shirt man he should’ve been with us and i just can’t believe that we had a diamond in our academy and decided to let him go. 🥺

  6. LoseInhibitions on

    Cole is amazing all right and has prove sit last season. But this was a harakiri from Brighton. The match is like basketball.
    Those calling for Cole in City shirt for today’s match vs Newcastle forget that Newcastle defended very well today and we’re not playing crazy high line.

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