Happened in the 34th minute after a free kick awarded for a foul on Saka

by dembabababa


  1. iDislocateVaginas on

    Would be incredible to have data on how many times balls were kicked away and how many times a yellow was / wasn’t issued as the seasons progresses. Daylight is a disinfectant.

  2. Like I said before, you will never see anyone get sent off for a second yellow for delaying the restart again. Just like you never saw the Tomi and Nelli double yellows ever again

  3. We all know they’re inconsistent. Complaining about it, isn’t going to change anything as they do not listen. Let’s just try to enjoy the game and our players’ performances.

  4. BorkieDorkie811 on

    I get it, Arsenal supporters, you’re aggrieved. But thus is clutching at straws. Saka is still down on the ground, so you can’t argue this delays the restart.

  5. PeanutbutterBleachr on

    Im getting tired of the inconsistency of the refs. But in all fairness this ref is doing quite well

  6. Not remotely kicking the ball away lol no one near who could use it other than the guy on the floor who’s not even near where he kicks it from

  7. Striking-Ostrich-222 on

    Always when city drops points. What the fuck happened in the locker room at halftime? This is unacceptable and if we don’t bag another and win games like this we don’t deserve to win the league. Year after year of playing like best in the world against top clubs only to lay an egg against the bottom clubs. Sick of this shit.

  8. Lmao how is that comparable when Saka is on the ground and isn’t even trying to take it quickly

  9. Brilliant against city last week and now this.. i cannot believe it. Feels like a season slipping away

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