2 Calafiori starts: 3 Martinelli g/a’s

by Francis-c92


  1. Patrick_Hattrick on

    Martinelli genuinely had a couple of excellent displays before the G/A’s started hitting anyway – he was our best player at the shithole across the road. G/A’s were always gonna come, I was never worried.

    As for Calafiori, what a player. When you’ve got someone as good as Ben White sweating over a place in the XI, you know you’ve got it good with fullbacks.

  2. So happy he got a goal regardless of how scruffy it was hopefully he’ll unlock the scoring beast he can be from season before last, desperate for him to beat firminho’s record and be the highest scoring Brazilian

  3. ComplaintMotor574 on

    I am very impressed with Calafiori so far. In these 2 games IMO he showed that he is as good as Zinchenko offensively (maybe even better) and miles better defensively. Maybe one thing to work on is that he might be a bit slower then what you would expect from a typical LB in the premier league. But overall amazing player for us.

  4. I saw some comments on r/soccer (which is the equivalent of my personal hell) where some of our own fans were saying that he is suspect at the back.

    People need to understand that he is not a defensive oriented player even if his position says something else.

    I genuinely think that Richy is a superb player with a lot of upside

  5. All of us just forgetting about Zinny completely at this point, he is after Calafiori, Timber, Tomi and maybe even MLS in left back at this point, time to move on

  6. ImmoderatelyModerate on

    Our left side coming along well. Can’t wait until Merino is back and on the left side of the midfield.

  7. When Martinelli got the assist for the 2nd, Calafiori ran straight to him, it was beautiful to see

  8. DiedOfXhaxAttack on

    Martinelli haters loved to see him in poor form. I’m relishing in his recent performances!

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