2025 cannot come soon enough

by freshfov02


  1. Estevao coming off the bench for the CL final to slot the 5th goal past Real Madrid we will be there.

  2. Paez, Palmer and Estevao as an attacking trio behind out striker. That might be a lot of fun.
    Though there is a part of me that wants Estevao and Palmer to switch positions so we can call the trio “PEP” and if they combine to help us defeat Guardiola at some point, the headlines could read “PEP takes down Pep!”.

  3. Speak for yourself, looking forwards to Estevao et al of course but I’m enjoying 2024 quite a bit.

  4. SeekersWorkAccount on

    Nah there’s no rush. Let’s enjoy the rest of 2024, it’s going very well


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