[Henry Winter] I’ve seen some poor #MUFC performances here over the past 35 years and that’s one of the worst. Lack of spine, organisation, belief, discipline, leadership, ideas. Only Garnacho and Onana can hold their heads up high. Otherwise, United embarrassing. #MUNTOT

by nearly_headless_nic


  1. ObiWanKenobiNil on

    ETH has to go. I’ve always been part of the “give him a chance, we can’t keep changing managers every 5 minutes” crowd but enough is enough now. What’s the point in winning a league cup if we’re shite every other time we play

  2. As they used to say on Canary call when I was little

    ‘He’s gotta gooo Neil’ I’m absolutely fooomin’

  3. Garnacho? He was putting in effort, I’ll give him that, but he was being completely obliterated by Brennan fucking Johnson

  4. This team really turned it around after getting rid of Ronaldo, the apparent sole reason for every single issue at United.

    The team looks pathetic yet again.

  5. Garnacho never stops giving an effort, I love him to death. A real player who doesn’t down tools and mope around.

    Onana did just about the best he could. All 3 goals were giant defensive mistakes, goalkeeping is more than just the keeper you know. He made some good saves and good passes as well.

  6. RobertoDavidas23 on

    Garnacho hold his head high? He played poorly. Should’ve been the sub over Rashford definitely. He left a pass to him and set MVV on his way, though I don’t blame him for that defending shambles after.

    Everyone was shite bar Onana. Which is a novelty for once, but he played well today.

  7. Am I crazy or would Ole actually do really well with this squad?

    Edit: imagine if he had the backing INEOS is giving Ten Hag…

  8. Grand-Bullfrog3861 on

    Has this been why we’ve need cas constantly on even when he himself was playing shit in bigger games, just the organisation and presence helps players. We’ve all played and had that player where you could just loft a pass too like the safe space and he deals with the rest

  9. Get defenders who can play a high line, we did. A more mobile DM, we did, a ball playing gk, we did and nothing has changed, we’re as shit as we were before. Erik needs to go.

  10. FredDRedUnderYourBed on

    I can’t imagine there will be many, but anyone who tries to claim we lost because of Bruno didn’t really watch the game. The game was lost long before the red card. Spurs could have been out of sight before then. It was a horrible performance and the players looked defeated from the very first minute.

  11. I feel like we hear this from a journalist on a monthly basis at the moment, this team and manager is utterly pathetic

  12. Anxious-Debate5033 on

    I think Mazraoui deserves a shout for putting in a shift given difficult circumstances as well.

  13. I’m just hollow. I wish I was able to be happy about my team. Just gonna stop following them now.

  14. ETH got tactically outdone again. Sure, players didn’t do well, but the tactics didn’t help them either.

  15. Even Nacho stank in the first 30 minutes. He perked up when there was a glorious lost cause to chase and you’ve got to respect his efforts right to the end but he can’t escape the blame here.

  16. Ugarte does not look promising so far, Holy shit. Gets caught out a lot, whether it be on the ball or positioning off of it. But unfair to judge him based on ETH tactics that leave our DM in no man’s land. 

    The commentators were saying the players weren’t putting in 100% effort, but I disagree. Most of them were chasing things down. They just didn’t look like they knew what they were meant to do tactically. 

  17. I can’t wait to see the usual Instagram posts from the players talking about how “we need to do better” or how they are going to make it right next game. These players need to understand there are no do overs. You can’t put in a performance which isn’t even the bare minimum and then make up for it next game. Once the game has finished, that’s it there’s no making up for it or putting it right.

  18. As a lifelong United fan, I’ve had enough. ETH has had ample time to turn things around, but his tactics are stale, and his squad management is questionable. We’re a club with a rich history, and we deserve better. It’s time for a change. #SackETH

  19. I like Ten Hag and ofc wanted him to succeed but it’s time. Under the structure Ineos are building there’s not much harm chopping and changing. Third season of Ten Hag and we showed a lack of cohesion at home to Spurs who also take risks and leave gaps like us but were much better and play better football.

    Of course the players are not blameless but that’s just how it goes in modern football. Better to try change than to stagnate, even if that means giving Ruud the role for time being and he is no scrub either.

  20. IMO the majority of our players are more than good enough to be coached into a side capable of challenging for the league. It’s on ETH now.

  21. It’s the tactics, how can we control the midfield when we push 6 players forward leaving one 3 defenders and 1 midfielder? It’s all too easy for the opposition.

  22. At this rate but I’m sorry Ten Hag needs to go. They need to sign a new man in the next week so we can salvage something out of the Villa game and Porto game. I used to be a Ten Hag in guy, but seeing today’s result, no way. He absolutely needs to go now. Third season in, 600m spent and we effectively have a Carabao and FA cup to show for it. He ended the trophy drought but I’m sorry he needs to go if we are going to have any chance of salvaging our season.

  23. Think thats unfair on Mazraoui. I’m not gonna sit here and say it was one for the ages but he was still a 6/10 on the whole when all around him was…*that*.

  24. We have all been so deluded trying to see positives all these months where there are none.

    The last 18 months have been as poor as it gets.

    This so called “process” under ETH has been a complete fraud.

    Just get rid of him now, and let’s see if these players perform under someone with a real clue on management. If not, sell them.

    Antony can just go in the same taxi as Ten Hag.

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