Lubo Moravcik picking up best skills! (We aren’t having the same person twice and Jimmy Johnstone got best with Henrik Larsson).

The next and final category is ‘best game IQ’ who best reads the game? Best decision making?

by GenderAddledSerf


  1. Paul lambert…. Could pick a pass, slow or pick up the game whenever needed ! And scored a few peaches

  2. Probably a manager tbh. Strachan or Rodgers. I’d go Strachan.

    If it’s just players – Lennon probably. Ironic given he was also a manager, I know, but as a player he was fantastic at impacting games, communicating to teammates constantly, moving the ball through the middle and around the park, choosing moments to advance or recycle the ball or commit a timely foul etc. Especially under Strachan near the end of his career. Adapted from oniells team to strachans amazingly and made the whole team better.

  3. No-Ingenuity9532 on

    Calmac for me, will get down voted for this but always felt he’s never had more than a decent midfield to help him and show how good he is until this season. I think playing with broony for so long held his game back as although broony might have been a great leader imo (i know i’ll get mad downvoted for this but i accept it and just my opinion) he was a terrible footballer with no football intelligence and it was almost like playing with 10 men with him in the side.

  4. Calmcentreofmisery on

    Lambert. Pirlo-esque in his ability to buy himself time, size up the situation and then ping the perfect pass.

  5. George Connelly.

    Admittedly, you have to be of a certain vintage, but that man was an amazing player, and was adored by all of his teammates.

    (Or Murdo McLeod.)

  6. Was only with us for half a season but over the course of his whole career Roy Keane. Could do it all. Although was fucked when he came up to Scotland.

  7. Has to be Cal. Incredible footballer that, if we’re being honest, deserved to play many levels above Celtic.

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