Once a Gunner …

by RazGunz


  1. ahh the classic of players leaving us, disrespecting us then trying to pander at the tail end or end of their careers

  2. >Once a Gunner, always a Gunner

    Except when you join our direct rivals, score for them against us in a European final and then openly mock us on socials

    Fuck off bellend

  3. Yeh, no, sorry but I wont forget the “Thank you Arsenal” comment, after he won a trophy with Chelsea.

    Was decent when we had him, but thats as far as I’ll go.

  4. I’m not mad at him for joining Chelsea, we basically kicked him out to make space for Auba, but mocking us after winning the EL is what bothers me, but I guess he felt vindicated for winning it against us after we showed him the door.

  5. I don’t like Giroud for his Chelsea stint but tbf he was a decent player for us but we should never have relied on him as our main source of goals

  6. I still remember this lamp-post missing numerous chances Vs Monaco in the champions league in 2015. We eventually got knocked out

  7. Nah fuck that guy.

    Only a gunner when it suits him.
    Also, go look at any Ozil highlights when he was at Arsenal, look at the amount of elite passes from Ozil this guy fked up.

    Let him go and petition Chelsea for a statue

  8. I still have huge respect for him, his career, and his beautiful goals. Him saying something cheeky about us while celebrating a title won’t change that. We forced him out to get Aubameyang, I think he has every right to be cheeky.

  9. Really liked him and supported him to the end when people were fed up with him.

    But him being a prick after the EL final means he ain’t ever gonna be a hero here.

    At least we’ve still got Laca to be our cult hero french striker.

  10. Nope. Not after that Chelsea final and his attitude towards us. Not after so many sitters missed and stinkers for us

  11. Not for me, he’ll always be a Chelsea player to me.
    Thank you Olivier, but you can fuck right off.

  12. I will not accept this for this guy. He was a dick after moving the Chelshit, and while he was here, he shat the bed many a time.

  13. No he’s a donkey. I don’t understand how these new age Arsenal fans idolize someone like him who was an absolute clown in front of goal for us 

  14. Won everywhere he went this bloke.

    Sour taste about his comments whilst he was at Chelsea. Arsene Wenger literally catapulted this guys career.

  15. Hating him is so weird, it’s funny how short people’s memories are… “Laca was our *real* French striker”, the same guy who’s top finish in the league with Arsenal was **FIFTH**? THAT Lacazette? That’s equivalent to Giroud’s LOWEST league finish with Arsenal. GIROUD HAS 3 FA CUPS WITH ARSENAL. Perspective is important.

    People in the comments acting like he’s in the same category as Fabregas, Adebayor, or RVP in terms of painful exit to a direct rival + future disrespect on/off the pitch are… something.

  16. This guys a bum he’s one of the main reasons we didn’t win the league whilst Ozil was on hot form. That and our garbage recruitment. Needed a ST for years, the leagues at its weakest point, and we just get Cech after actually showing some ambition the previous years with Ozil, Sanchez, etc. Disgraceful

  17. His comments after the chelsea game, as well stated in these comments really knocked him back in my books. But i cant help thinking, how many goals he would bag from our current set piece routines.

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