Dominguez grabs the ball and throws it away after a foul, Chris Kavanagh decides that’s not a yellow today.

by lmlav


  1. Nice to see they implemented free will for the refs now, as he clearly has a choice this week.

  2. Heard Kavanagh has had absolutely no control over this one today, which sounds right on brand

  3. Cash delayed the restart twice against United and didn’t pick up a single yellow either

  4. lonewolf86254 on

    This action happens 10 times a game. Can’t remember which pundit said this and to be fair the new directive just puts refs under unnecessary pressure to book players.
    There’s a video of Kieth Hackett discussing how during his time at the PGMOL they had bookings down to an average of 3 per game. Granted officiating will never be perfect. What’s the point of adding pressure to refs who already have a tough job as it stands.
    This is made worse by that muppet Webb not coming out and admitting they made a mistake

  5. The majority of r/soccer needs to be exterminated. The world would lose nothing if the majority of them suddenly exploded.

  6. bigflyohtanisan on

    Everytime this happens I get pissed but at this point it’s easier that the refs are corrupt and are out to get arsenal than to believe otherwise lol, even if this was unevenly applied (which would happen if the refs were just incompetent) statistically someone would have been booked by now lol

  7. Enough_Profession457 on

    This stuff happens like 5 times a game in every game, ref’s are inconsistent, we know, you’re only gonna look crazy for trying to call out every time it happens

  8. can we stop moaning about cards that shouldn’t be given in the first place? that isn’t a yellow and nor were ours, we need refs to be consistent with the right decisions (even if Kavanagh is a cunt)

  9. Just watched villa vs man u and saw loads of instances of balls being kicked away, picked up and walked around with and booted after the whistle.

    Not a single card.

    After this weekend I thought they’ve given up on it but apparently James ward prowse got sent off for delaying the restart by a second yellow in the chelsea game, so……

  10. Financial_Past8322 on

    See, how it works is they save all the yellows for all of the OTHER times players delay a restart and give them to the Arsenal 🤬

  11. Never forgot we would have started this season with maximum points if it wasn’t for poor refereeing.

    And we’ll still win the league.

  12. Just explain how far he “threw it”. My one year old daughter throws father than that.

    Honestly, get a hobby

  13. Ready-Hat-5683 on

    Palmer should’ve waved the imaginary yellow. Think Kavanagh’s head might’ve exploded then

  14. Longjumping_Act9758 on

    This dude was clearly targeting Arsenal players, everyone could see that. Piece of shit.

  15. The fact that he chose to ignore it here but decides to implement it for someone on a second yellow is pure corruption, if not pure incompetence. Usually you need to two foot someone for an English referee to give the second yellow since they try to give you a ton of leeway.

  16. I think honestly the ‘yellow for delaying play’ thing is over now. Was just a rod used to beat us with and we’ll only see it enforced again when we do it. 

    It’s the same shit every year, some obscure rule terribly enforced, everyone complains and they drop it and someone is left holding the bag. That was us this year. Crazy to think 4 points dropped because of it. It’s tough to say if City was points dropped but it definitely made winning the game a millions times harder. Brighton game was 100% points dropped because of it though. 

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