Huddersfield Town set to relegate Birmingham City with ‘bam bam’ sticks.

by DeadStopped


  1. I’ll be disappointed if we lose Huddersfield v Leicester from the schedule next year.

    Always enjoyed El Clapperco

  2. Aggravating_Jury9547 on

    Fuck it, chuck in vuvuzelas as well. Let them mischievous scamps have some fun 😂

  3. Grind_line_wine on

    Fucking hell imagine if this was your first game. We’d better off tellin t’young uns to stop at home. Not expose them to the depressingly toxic atmosphere when we go one down in the eighth minute.

  4. Coomgoblin68 on

    Clappers already do fuck all for our atmosphere, I can only imagine what plastic filled with air is meant to do for theirs

  5. Constant-Estate3065 on

    One of those things that can really piss you off as a football fan. Like an unplayable opposition player with extremely ginger hair who bosses the whole game and then disappears into obscurity.

  6. ElvishMystical on

    What’s the point of them?

    Being honest I think Huddersfield would be better off handing out prayer beads and giving as many nuns as they can find free admission.

  7. Seriously though, imagine picking this game as the first one to bring your kid to! It’s going to be one of the most toxic and pissed off atmosphere’s we’ve had in recent years; your kids will definitely be picking up plenty of new 4-letter words! 😁

  8. This is counterintuitive to Huddersfield’s ambitions…’Bam Bam’ sticks are notorious for scaring off dogs

  9. BigResponsibility252 on

    What do these help with the timing for? “Going down, who gives a fuck”?

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