Big weekend ahead

by 3bobbyshmurda


  1. In a way I hope they can sort themselves out, we need the WMD back in the prem.

  2. going_down_leg on

    Of all the shit seasons we’ve had, it couldn’t be more blues to finally get relegated after finally getting our ownership sorted and in a good place.

  3. BigBlueMountainStar on

    I laughed and then I cried. And then I laughed again, until I started crying again.

  4. safebright on

    My dumbass stared at the logo on the foam for like 15s admiring how they got such a detailed logo on the foam, before actually reading the text and realizing it’s a meme

    Edit: I’m an even bigger dumbass, turns out it was real all the time, shush I’m tired

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