Not quite…

by DareToZamora


  1. Why bring a random game into the fray? Both clubs have no chance of getting to the prem? Feels like a useless grab for karma, pathetic.

  2. Pretty sure the first comment in the screengrab is a joke fwiw.

    After we got done 4-0 by Watford in the opening game (the “thumping” referred to in the original post) Ainsworth’s excuse at the press conference afterwards was “we might have just lost to the league champions” when it was apparent to absolutely everyone else that we were just an awful team heading for relegation.

    This Cardiff fan’s obviously recycled that comment sarcastically to try and excuse losing to a team as dreadful as us the week after.

    (Sorry, maybe all this is obvious to everyone else but I’m guessing most non-QPR fans wouldn’t remember Ainsworth’s press conference from 9 months ago)

  3. I guarantee you no QPR fans thought we’d be champions, I think you would have struggled to find any who thought we would finish top half under Ainsworth. In fact almost everyone had us to go down under him.

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