[Daily Star] Kevin Campbell dies aged 54 as Arsenal and Everton fans pay tribute to legend

by HoldMyAwp


  1. Cautious-Quit5128 on

    Absolutely gutted to hear this. Campbell wasn’t long on the scene when I started watching football. He was featured in an interview for Match magazine, the contents I can’t remember, but I remember reading it and wishing he played for Leeds because he came over as really likeable.

    When you follow football there will always be faces you can’t stand even when they’re wearing your shirt, and people that are impossible to dislike, no matter who they sign for. Kevin Campbell always came over as the latter. A sad day today.

    Play on, KC.

  2. Didn’t know he was in hospital due to kidney failure.

    A much loved guy and a unit of a player. Didn’t hear a bad word said about him, ever, by any fan or player.

    RIP Kevin.

  3. biddleybootaribowest on

    Tough summer coming up for Tyrese Campbell, a free agent at 24 and just lost his dad who I’m sure was a great advisor for him.

  4. God, what an awful day this has been for football so far. RIP. Remember him at Everton like it was yesterday.

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